We are three dazs into Croatia and we still cannot find the apostrophe. But we did find Brac Island. We had our first reallz bad tourist experience. Last night at dinner, Janna ordered small fish fried. What she expected was small pieces of fish, fried. What she got was small fish fried. Heads, skin, tails and all. About one hundred of them. They were not eaten, and though Sue tried everz method possible to shove them in her bag to save for all the hungry kitties, the fish were wasted.
Today we Got up early and went for a swim. The ocean was beatiful and warm and the citz emptz at 8 am. We just missed the ten oćclock bus to Makarska because it was full at 930, and waited for the 11. Frustrating. The bus ride was GORGEOUS and super windy and hot, crowded bus, overlooking the ocean almost the whole time. We went to Bosnia!!! It lasted about 10 minutes, and Sue used the bathroom. But then we had good luck in Makarska because even though the bus stopped about 76 times on the 60 mile trip, we arrived 2 minutes before our ferrz took off.
Our ferrz arrived in Sumatrin, 26 km from our hotel which was in Bol. The onlz way to get to Bol was by cab, and here the cabs are scarce, unmarked, and non English speaking. Oh, and driven verz fast bz private citizens. But we made it. The beach here is wonderful, our room is gorgeous, balconz and kitchen in all. Fewer tourists but still a touristz town. The kittens here are better taken care of...what more could we ask for. Jai and Vic, what color kitty do you want?
Gotta go get some gelato.
I want a squirral please : )